
2 2014 Feb

Protein: Does the body good!

Everyone has their eating mishaps-Jeff Teach is not a saint with his eating and he would be the first one to tell you that. However, he does say “that you can’t eat like crap all the time and expect results. Don’t judge me when I eat badly because I am human, but I will make up for it in the weight room or with exercise or eat clean for all my other meals.” It is super-bowl Sunday-you can’t pass up a cold one!

Jeff went snowboarding this weekend with his family and his eating was sub-par. He did however snowboard all day long for the entire two days. Click on the video to check out Jeff snowboarding this past weekend-what’s scarier? Jeff snowboarding so soon after surgery or video taping it while skiing? IMG_0315

Jeff doesn’t follow a certain diet-no Zone, Continue reading…